Kevin Lynch
- Engaging People Across Mediums
- Wide Reach
- 750,000,000 PCs
- 200,000,000 devices
- RIA Technology Trends
- Cross-phone/device
- cross-platform
- Offerings
- Designer/developer tools
- Clients
- Servers
- Applications
- Apollo
- RIA in the browser
- "Betting on the web"
- Browser is for documents, not applications
- More functionality than you get in a browser
- Modular runtime
- Multiple versions installed side by side
- Apollo Application Stack
- Flex
- ActionScript
- Video
- Audio
- Apollo Runtime/APIs
- On Mac, Windows, Linux
- Apollo Capabilities
- Local File Access
- Online/offline detection
- Drag and drop
- Clipboard
- Background Processing
- Threads
- Synchronization
- Event-based model
- Processing offload
- Multiple Window Support
- Custom window chrome
- Flex data services & synchronization
- Application domains
- Peer to peer applications
- Efficiency
- Debugging
- Spry framework for connecting to data
- Declarative programming model comparable to XAML
- Tools
- Flex Builder 2
- Built on Eclipse
- Debugger
- All new
- No native code
- UI design frameworks
- menus
- scrollbars
- Navigation
- skinnable
- Room for experimentation
- Perhaps bumpy
- Innovation
- Greatness
- More community involvement
- Flexible text layout
- Examples
- Application installation
- eBay Desktop
- For frequent users
- Desktop App
- Right-click View Source
- Script
- MXML for UI
- Can be disabled
- Desktop Icon
- Searching
- Uses eBay APIs
- Sorting
- Watchlist
- Drag and drop
- Bidding
- Notifications
- Selling
- Offlline mode
- Word processor
- Built by Virtual Ubiquity
- Embedded HTML
- All Flash effects apply to HTML
- Scale
- Rotate
- Blur
- Perspective
- Timeline
- 2007 H1
- 2007 H1 - Public Labs Release
- Apollo Camp in early 2007
- Creative Suite 3
- Biggest engineering effort ever at Adobe
- All applications revised and integrated
- 2007 H2
- Apollo 1.0
- 5-9 MB download
- Ready for mainstream deployment
- Flex "Moxie"
- "Philo" 1.0
- Video application
- Watch video feeds
- Flash Media Server
- Improved video quality
- Other stuff
- 2008
- Broad client distribution
- Generate interest
- Pull / Partners
- 3rd Party Apps innovating and deploying
- Continue to learn and innovate
- Iterate on runtime
- Revenue Model
- Clients are free
- Adobe sells tools
- Adobe sells servers
- Adobe sells applications
- $100M venture investment program to get ecosystem going